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First newsletter ofJanuary 1900
Secretary Hay announced a successful negotiation for the 'open door' policy in China, receiving favorable responses from major powers.
Andrew Carnegie firmly rejected the notion of funding the Republican Party unless it fully represents American ideals. He emphasized his opposition to imperialism and expressed support for the Boers' struggle for their republic, advocating for true American principles over territorial expansion.
This article humorously discusses the debate over when the next century truly begins, suggesting that some mathematicians argue it starts in 1901 rather than 1900.
This article reports on the isolation of thirty-two Japanese individuals showing symptoms of an unspecified illness at a plantation in Hana, Maui, raising fears of potential plague in the area. It details the response from authorities and highlights the lack of clarity regarding the disease affecting them, along with broader public health measures being implemented.
The article provides a detailed overview of the military situation in South Africa during the Second Boer War, highlighting ongoing struggles and casualties faced by British forces. The content reflects the challenges of maintaining troops and managing the war effort, which carries significant historical implications in understanding British colonial strategy and military operations of that era.
Residents of Kohala express their anger over Hilo's stringent quarantine measures dictated by Sheriff Andrews. The unjust regulations have led to protests and a desire for modification, reflecting a division between Hilo and neighboring communities as they cope with the ongoing plague situation.
Nikola Tesla has announced a groundbreaking proposal for wireless telegraphy between New York and Paris, claiming his system surpasses existing technologies.
The article outlines essential regulations instituted by the Citizens' Sanitary Committee in Honolulu to combat the plague outbreak in 1900. Key measures include district divisions for sanitary inspections, restrictions on movement between districts, and the appointment of inspectors.
In response to the threat of the bubonic plague, German officials are planning a large-scale extermination of rats, identified as key carriers of the disease.
The article critiques the Republican party’s shift from bimetallism to a single gold standard, revealing how Wall Street influenced this change through deception and manipulation. It reflects on the consequences for ordinary voters and the broader implications of this financial policy in shaping American politics.
The House of Representatives voted to exclude Brigham Roberts, a Representative-elect from Utah, due to his polygamist status, ending a contentious debate.
The article reports on the severe losses suffered by the British at the Battle of Spion Kop. This conflict marked a significant moment in the Second Boer War, illustrating the intense military struggle and its ramifications for British strategy in South Africa.
William Goebel, the Democratic candidate for governor of Kentucky, was shot by an assassin while walking in the state house yard, leading to intense public outcry and the declaration of martial law.