Jan 4, 1900

Andrew Carnegie’s Severe Arraignment of the Republican Party,

New York, Jan. 3—Andrew Carnegie was interviewed today concerning the report that he had promised to subscribe $50,000 to the Republican national convention fund.

"There's not a word of truth in the report," he said. "I will not give a dollar to help the Republicans if their platform is not sound—if it is not American.

"Not a cent to imperialism—not a cent to renegade Americanism. My position on these questions has been made clear.

"My mind is open, but my purse is closed. If the Republican party were true to the principles that have made this country great then I would subscribe. But not if the platform commits the party to a policy to which I stand unalterably and uncompromisingly opposed.

"I am in favor of securing all the West Indies islands if we can do so," he continued, "I believe they will make desirable and proper acquisitions to our territory. That sort of expansion is on the right line. But mind you, it should not go beyond territory on this continent. We have no business either in morals or politics to take and keep the Philippines."

"Do you mean we should annex Cuba?" was asked.

"No, we are pledged as to the action we are to take there. We have given our word that Cuba shall be free. If the people show a disposition for annexation then that raises another question.

"I want to see the Republican party range itself on the side of true Americanism—no renegade Americanism for me—no running off after the will-o'-the-wisp of territorial aggrandizement. It involves dangers on every hand. If we shut the door in the Philippines, we arouse Europe. If we open it, we destroy the very thing that imperialists give as their reason for taking the Philippines—commercial privileges there on an equality with us."

Mr. Carnegie paused for a moment and then went on: "I am with the Boers in their fight. They are fighting bravely to maintain their republic. Their stand is for republican institutions. They are battling for a principle with which all good Americans should be in sympathy.