Jan 29, 1900

###The House Refuses to Seat Polygamist.

Washington, D. C, Jan. 25.
The case of Brigham Roberts, the Mormon Representative-elect, which has occupied so much of the attention of the House since the assembling of Congress, was decided today by the adoption of a resolution to exclude him by a vote of 268 to 50.

The exact language of the resolution was as follows:
"That under the facts and circumstances of the case, Brigham H. Roberts, Representative-elect from the State of Utah, ought not to have or hold a seat in the House of Representatives and that the seat to which he was elected is hereby declared vacant."

The amendment to expel Mr. Roberts without seating him, offered by Mr. Lacey, was ruled out on a point of order and the House only voted upon the resolutions of the majority and minority of the committee. The latter to seat and then expel Mr. Roberts was defeated 81 to 244.

An analysis of this vote shows that 168 Republicans, 96 Democrats, and 4 Populists voted against it and 71 Democrats, 6 Republicans, 2 Populists, and 2 Silver Republicans for it.

The majority resolutions to exclude Mr. Roberts and declare the seat vacant, was adopted 268 to 50. The affirmative vote was divided as follows: Republicans, 164; Democrats, 98; Populists, 4, and negative vote, Democrats 47; Silver Republicans, 2; Populists, 1. There were over a score of speakers today and the closing speeches of each side were particularly able. Mr. Lanham of Texas closed for the majority and Mr. DeArmond of Missouri for the minority.

Mr. Roberts was present throughout the day and only left the hall after the result of the last vote had been announced.